The Marianne has been optional since 2019
The capsule-congé or Marianne capsule is formally known as “Capsule Représentative de Droit” (or CRD).
These capsules are colour coded to distinguish a wine’s level of appellation and marked with the seal of Marianne. These marking only have a legal significance in France.
Made compulsory in 1960, it attests that the circulation rights or excise duties have been paid to French customs. The purpose of this tax was to discourage the consumption of certain products considered harmful to people’s health (wine, tobacco, coffee, foie gras and even certain luxury vehicles).
The Marianne Capsule doomed to disappear
The legal requirement was lifted on June 1, 2019, although bottles of wine without it must nevertheless circulate with an accompanying document in France. However, it turns out the vast majority of winemakers have not been informed by their unions.
Being able to substitute the CRD has given operators in the wine industry a chance to come up with alternative ways of ensuring the traceability of the product while greatly simplifying bottling and storage processes. Administrative simplification, easier inventory management, significant reduction of carbon impact and substantial gain in competitiveness for exports. These are just some of the many advantages of using documents instead of the CRD.
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