Webinar ALL4PACK EMABALLAGE PARIS – AGEC, PPWR: should we aim higher?
Taking as its starting point the emergence of new dedicated regulations in France and Europe, ALL4PACK EMBALLAGE PARIS organised a webinar on Wednesday 27 March devoted to the eco-transition of packaging. The event was particularly rich in content.
With the first decree of the AGEC law (Anti-Waste for a Circular Economy) now in place and the PPWR (Proposal Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation) in place, there’s a wealth of regulatory news for the world of packaging… and it was well worth a webinar!
“Should we aim higher? was the central question of this webinar, which brought together Guillaume Schaeffer (Exhibition Director), eco-design expert Fabrice Peltier, Valentin Fournel (Eco-design and Reuse Director at Citeo) and Olivier Larose (Sustainable Development Director at Coca-Cola France).
All about the 3Rs!
As well as analysing the new regulatory context in which companies’ packaging activities must operate, this webinar also provided an opportunity to take stock of the 3Rs (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) that are at the heart of the transition.
Valentin Fournel gave an overview of the current situation and outlook for each of these three areas, while his own personal account gave concrete substance to the transition underway, using Coca-Cola France as an example.
At the end of the session, the guests were able to answer the (many) questions put by the participants.
You can now watch the entire event online by following this link.
You can also find a themed summary of the event in this Neswroom, where over the next few days we will be highlighting the lessons learned from the webinar on the three key aspects of the transition: Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.
For more news, click here
ALL4PACK ALL4PACK Emballage Paris ALL4Pack Emballage Paris 2022 ALL4PACK Innovation ALL4PACk innovations Beverages bottles cardboard circular economy Conferences conferences space consummer goods CSR durability eco-packaging eco conception eco responsable eco responsible emballage environment environmentally friendly food safety food security innovation Intralogistics KHS logistic logistics machines materials news packaging paper pharmaceutical plastic printing processing recycling reuse security sustainability sustainable development sustainable packaging sustainable solutions Traceability