Sustainable development in the background for All4PACK Emballage Paris 2022
A fundamental approach…
ALL4PACK Emballage Paris is committed to a sustainable development approach and is clearly positioned on environmental issues for this 2022 edition.
Between the progressive depletion of non-renewable resources, the limited recyclability of materials and the uninterrupted emission of greenhouse gases, the packaging sector must renew itself in order to face new challenges and changes.
This is why the exhibition invites its exhibitors, but also its visitors, to lead the change by actively participating in the creation of innovative and sustainable solutions.
… but also on the form of the event
This approach also applies to the exhibition, which is committed to implementing various actions to make the event more responsible:
- To perpetuate and optimise the eco-design approach of the exhibition;
- To achieve a minimum of 50% recycling of the waste generated during the show;
- Raise awareness of CSR issues (in particular by publishing a charter);
- Promote inclusion, solidarity and employment.
Finally, the exhibition organiser, Comexposium, is committed to acting responsibly in terms of energy consumption, not only for ALL4PACK Emballage Paris, but also for all the exhibitions and events it organises, by publishing a sobriety plan setting out a number of recommendations and simple actions to be respected not only by the event’s organisers, but also by the exhibitors and service providers who take part.
Turning off the lights when leaving the venue, or simply managing heating, air conditioning and lighting better… These are all small, simple daily actions taken as an example to raise awareness, change mentalities and thus start the revolution.
ALL4PACK ALL4PACK Emballage Paris ALL4Pack Emballage Paris 2022 ALL4PACK Innovation ALL4PACk innovations Beverages bottles cardboard circular economy Conferences conferences space consummer goods CSR durability eco-packaging eco conception eco responsable eco responsible emballage environment environmentally friendly food safety food security innovation Intralogistics KHS logistic logistics machines materials news packaging paper pharmaceutical plastic printing processing recycling reuse security sustainability sustainable development sustainable packaging sustainable solutions Traceability