colordruck Baiersbronn joins WIN charter

colordruck Baiersbronn, a German specialist in flat cardboard packaging, has signed the WIN charter of the state of Baden-Württemberg.

The “Wirtschaftsinitiative Nachhaltigkeit” is a sustainability-oriented economic development initiative of the German federal state of Baden-Württemberg. It serves as an instrument for the sustainable operation of small and medium-sized enterprises, focusing on economic actors whose aim is to manage their business in a responsible manner.

A charter that colordruck Baiersbronn signed in December 2022, after spending a whole year rethinking its processes and approach to sustainability. The company, which specialises in the production of individual and sustainable cardboard packaging and digital packaging for the multi-industry, joins the 30 or so members that have already signed the WIN charter.

WIN guidelines in use at colordruck Baiersbronn

The WIN Charter covers economic, ecological and social aspects and includes twelve guidelines, each of which focuses on a particular way in which sustainability is to be addressed within the company and its operations, such as human rights and employee welfare, resource management, eco-responsibility of products, compliance with environmental standards at production sites, sustainable innovation, contribution to the economic performance of regions and even the fight against corruption. These are all principles that colordruck Baiersbronn will strive to uphold.

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