ALL4PACK EMBALLAGE PARIS 2024 conferences: ask for the programme!
Of course, with three months to go to the event, not everything has yet been finalised, but we can already give you the broad outlines of the ALL4PACK EMBALLAGE PARIS 2024 conference programme, which will focus resolutely on innovation to promote circularity in packaging. Mark your calendars!
Monday 4th November
10.30-11.25am: ALL4PACK EMBALLAGE PARIS 2024 opening conference
11H30-12H25: EPDA Conference: How packaging plays a key role in ‘conscious consumption’ – the future starts today.
Speakers: Sylvia VITALE ROTA, President (EPDA) / Uwe MELICHAR ; Vice-President (EPDA)
First part: Sylvia VITALE ROTA
- How brands can inspire and promote better eating habits through packaging and product concepts.
- How brands can offer formats, products and concepts to help combat inflation, particularly for families and young people, especially students.
- How better consumption can reduce food waste and make better use of resources.
Second part: Uwe MELICHAR
- We need to integrate sustainability into all our packaging projects to meet the new demands of legislation, consumers and to focus on the objectives of packaging manufacturers and brands. And we need to start now.
- Can we develop reusable packaging systems? What does this mean for design and production? Can we avoid, reduce, recycle or compost in our designs? Does this correspond to ‘end of life’ scenarios?
- 10 concrete measures with 10 cases of good practice will illustrate how we can improve the world of packaging.
12.30-14.00: International cycle conference
14H00-14H55: [Rendez-vous Pack Expert] ‘R’ reductions: from weight and volume to the number of single-use packaging units put on the market.
Speakers: Stéphane MERLET, Packaging Engineer (FLEURY MICHON) / Jérôme LEROUGE, Head of Packaging Development, BEIERSDORF (NIVEA) / Fabrice PELTIER, Design Expert (FABRICE PELTIER CREATION)
Description: In a context where environmental issues are at the heart of global concerns, the management and optimisation of packaging play a crucial role. While reduction is an important part of companies’ 3Rs strategies, it also raises a number of questions. The weight and volume of packaging, the areas for progress and the limits, the reduction in the use of plastic and the paradoxes raised by this… These are just some of the issues that will be raised at this conference. The overriding question is: what and how can we reduce?
15:00-15:55: CITEO conference
16:00-16:55: Conference on primary, secondary, shipping and transport packaging.
Speaker: Ulrick PARFUM, Group Purchasing and Product Marketing Director (RAJA France)
Description: An interdependent system that needs to combine ‘3Rs’ and more. Initiatives and solutions to reduce the environmental impact of all forms of packaged product marketing: from the product’s protective envelope to the pallet.
17:00-17:30: SIAL conference
Tuesday 5th November
10.30am-11.25am: AGEC Act, PPWR… from ambitions to application reality
Description: The legislative and regulatory framework for packaging has been established, now it has to be applied. Initial findings, assessment results, future adjustments and measures…
11.30am-12.25pm: Packaging: trends and outlook for 2025.
12.30-14.00: International cycle conference
14H00-14H55: [Rendez-vous Pack Expert] ‘R’ for re-use, a new world under construction
Speakers: Benoît TAUSKY, Packaging Manager Europe (ECOTONE) / Shu ZHANG, President (RESEAU VRAC ET REEMPLOI) and Co-founder and CEO, (PANDOBAC) / Fabrice PELTIER, Design Expert, (FABRICE PELTIER CREATION)
Description: In a context where environmental issues are at the heart of global concerns, packaging management and optimisation play a crucial role. While reuse is an important part of companies’ 3R strategies, it also raises a number of questions. Various forms and loops of reuse already exist, but how can they be improved? How does the value chain depend on this reuse? These are just some of the questions that will be raised at this conference. At the end of the day, there is one overriding issue: how do we assess the reuse of our packaging today?
15:00-15:55: Emballages Magazine conference
16:00-16:55: CNE conference
17H00-17H30: The challenges facing glass: decarbonisation and resources
Speakers: Jacques BORDAT, President (FEDERATION DES INDUSTRIES DU VERRE) / Jean-Pascal MARTIN FESTA, Chief Procurement Officer (REMY COINTREAU).
Description: A packaging material that can run in a virtually closed loop. Energy-intensive production in search of continuous improvement. A natural material for re-use.
Wednesday 6th November
10.30am-11.25am: Eco-design, the environmental indicators to focus on
Speakers: Valentin FOURNEL, Eco-design Director (CITEO) / Jean-Baptiste PUYOU, Chairman and Founder (EVEA)
Description: Eco-designing packaging can lead to improving certain indicators of the environmental impact of the packaged product to the detriment of others: being exemplary in everything seems to be a mission impossible, so choices have to be made…
11.30-12.25: E-commerce conference: from primary packaging to the challenge of the last metre.
Speakers: Ruth ANDRADE, Earth Care Strategy Lead (LUSH)/ Brice KAPELUSZ, Managing Director (RAJA France)
Description: Traditional retail packaging is no longer adapted to the changing distribution methods of e-commerce and the challenges of ecological transition. Design, production, distribution, use and also delivery… the whole chain needs to be rethought or rethought to respond to this new paradigm of ‘sensible and reasonable’ packaging.
12.30-14.00: International cycle conference
14H00-14H55: [Rendez-vous Pack Expert] ‘R’ for recycling and recycled: from regulatory obligation to normality
Speakers: Aude BONGIOVANNI, Packaging Innovation manager (BEL) / Olivier LAROSE, Sustainable Development Director, (COCA-COLA) / Philippe MOREL, Marketing & Sales Director Europe, (SLEEVER INTERNATIONAL) / Fabrice PELTIER – design expert (FABRICE PELTIER CREATION)
Description: In a context where environmental issues are at the heart of global concerns, the management and optimisation of packaging play a crucial role. While recycling is an important part of companies’ 3R strategies, it also raises a number of questions. Do the regulations provide a sufficient framework for managing our packaging? How is the industry adapting? At the end of the day, there is one overriding issue: what is the scope for progress in recycling today?
15:00-15:55: Wood Packaging Cluster conference
16.00-16.55: GEPPIA conference
17H00-17H30: Metal conference
Thursday 7th November
10H30-11H25: The packaging revolution 3rd period: the re-use manifesto
Speakers: Sophie NGUEN, Director of Reuse and Bulk, (CITEO) / Fabrice PELTIER, Design Expert, (FABRICE PELTIER CREATION)
Description: Since 2018, with the presentation of the book L’emballage à l’aube de sa Révolution, the ALL4PACK EMBALLAGE PARIS trade show has been echoing the different periods of the ‘Packaging Revolution’. Today marks the third period with The Reuse Manifesto, presented by its authors.
11.30am-12.25pm: SECIMEP conference
12.30-14.00: International cycle conference
2.00-2.55pm: [Rendez-vous Pack Expert] Data & AI: serving the packaging value chain
15.00-15.55: Carton Ondulé de France Conference
16H00-16H55: The future of plastic packaging
Speakers: Philippe REUTENAUER, co-creator of LA FRESQUE DU PLASTIQUE / Marius TENT, founder and director of VIAPACKAGINGUG
Description: Plastic in packaging, rightly or wrongly, is being singled out more than ever, and seems to be the focus of legislation. Like all materials, it has its qualities and its weaknesses: tomorrow, we’ll have to use it differently, in moderation… What can we learn from the situation we find ourselves in?
sFor more news, click here
ALL4PACK ALL4PACK Emballage Paris ALL4Pack Emballage Paris 2022 ALL4PACK Innovation ALL4PACk innovations Beverages bottles cardboard circular economy Conferences conferences space consummer goods CSR durability eco-packaging eco conception eco responsable eco responsible emballage environment environmentally friendly food safety food security innovation Intralogistics KHS logistic logistics machines materials news packaging paper pharmaceutical plastic printing processing recycling reuse security sustainability sustainable development sustainable packaging sustainable solutions Traceability