Citeo: when recycling takes off


Pays-de-la-Loire, Bretagne, Normandie, Hauts-de-France: from 2025, four major French regions will be rolling out the ReUse approach federated by Citeo


A historic mobilisation to accelerate the transformation of production, distribution and consumption patterns “: this is how Citeo greeted the deployment, from May 2025, of the ReUse reuse approach in four French regions (Pays-de-la-Loire, Bretagne, Normandie, Hauts-de-France), which will very soon enable 16 million French people to buy FMCG products in reusable packaging.

According to Citeo, the rollout of ReUse in the Greater North-West should eventually enable 30 million shared reusable packaging units to be set up. “ Citeo has created standard ranges of reusable packaging, known as “R-Coeur”, which can be accessed via open-source. The aim: to share a pool of packaging of unprecedented size (30 million units in the activation phase) between players to optimize the recovery, collection, transport, sorting and washing stages. The result: a more efficient reuse system at every stage,” announces Citeo, presenting the first six standard packaging references available in 2025.


The four regions were not chosen at random: “ With sorting performances well above the average, the citizens of the 4 regions concerned are among the most likely to develop new eco-actions (purchase in store, separate storage of packaging intended for reuse, return to store) ” comments Citeo, which has set up a system with the players involved in the ReUse approach to collect reusable packaging and transport it to massification centers and/or washing sites.

Two stages should precede the start of deployment in May 2025: the production of the first reusable packaging standards (from this autumn) and the installation of in-store recovery facilities (from March 2025).

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